By Julie Litchfield
“I have observed that the sending patterns of men and women
are influenced by the social obligations that society places on them. Women are
more organised and send food and clothes regularly. My son does not remit any
goods during the year; he sends us money and groceries during the Christmas
holiday as he argues that life is also difficult for him. I have interpreted
this behaviour as rather being irresponsible and forgetting his African roots”
Fieldwork participant, Zimbabwe, 2013
This provocative statement was made by one of our fieldwork
participants during research led by our partners at
CASS in 2013. The sentiment
was echoed in similar statements that suggested that “women are the saviours of
the family”, less likely to forget their families at home, and more likely to
send a range of cash and goods, food, clothes, books and medicine, than male migrants.
These observations run contrary to a widely held view that migrant women tend
to remit less than men – that is fewer of them remit and when they do, they
send less than men.
In a paper that explores remittances of international
migrants from eighteen low- and middle-income countries,
Orozco et al find that women
remit lower amounts than men and they argue on this basis that this reflects
the broader global pattern of remittances by women. This is usually explained
by the poorer economic opportunities facing women migrants, that women earn
less at destination than men and therefore have less money left over after
covering essential expenditure. In a more recent study,
Niimi and Reilly find little
evidence that gender differences in remittances are attributable to behavioural
differences between men and women in Vietnam. Instead, they argue that gender
differences in labour market earnings are more important in explaining the
overall gender gap in the remittance levels.
This apparent paradox between what our research participants
are telling us and what the academic and policy community believe led us to
take a closer look at remittances received by households from their migrant
Firstly, it’s important to consider what we mean by
remittances. Remittances are usually defined as the small monetary transfers
that international migrants send home. But of course, migrants send more than
money home, as the quote from our Zimbabwean household shows.
as this entertaining
video by Mikey Bustos shows about the Filipino “Balikbayan Box”.
The African Migration Surveys collected by the World Bank widen the remittance
definition to include goods sent or taken home by the migrant and ask
households to value good received as well as report of the value of cash
Our analysis of this data reveals that not only is the value
of goods sent home substantial but that women migrants appear to have a stronger
preference for sending goods rather than cash compared to men. What appears as
a gender gap in remittances when only monetary transfers are measured,
diminishes or even disappears in some countries when in-kind remittances are
These two graphs below illustrate the case of Kenya (Burkina
Faso shows a very similar pattern). We can see that women are less likely to send cash than men, and send smaller amounts of
cash. But when we take into account the value of in-kind remittances the gap
all but disappears.
gender remittance gap, Kenya 2009
Kenyan Shillings in
2009 values
While this more inclusive definition of remittances adopted
in the African Migration Surveys reveals that perhaps women do not after all
send less home than men; it may still yet underestimate remittance flows
because of what is included in the list of goods that might be sent home. Rather
than food and clothing, highlighted in our fieldwork, the surveys focus on
relatively large and costly goods, covering household appliances, business
equipment and transport. Another
survey, of remittances sent
home from the Netherlands by migrants from Surinam, shows that the most
frequent items sent home were food and clothing, and that large items were
relatively rare.
Migrating out of Poverty household
surveys provide rich detail on the remittance sending behaviour of
migrants and for Zimbabwe we have data on over a thousand migrants. Our
definition of remittances includes not just cash but a wide range of goods,
from food and clothing, medicine and school supplies, to larger consumer goods,
farm inputs and business equipment, received by the household over the twelve
months prior to the survey in 2015.
Almost 75% of goods sent home are food, with clothing
representing around 15% of the type of items migrants are sending home. When we
compare the value of cash and goods sent home by gender we see that the initial
gap in cash remittances is reduced when we include goods. In fact, it appears
that women migrants from Zimbabwe send almost as much in goods as they do in
cash while men have a stronger preference for cash.
gender remittance gap, Zimbabwe 2015
US Dollars in 2015 values
Our econometric modelling of remittances suggests that once
we control for characteristics of migrants such as their age and education, women
remit home with the same probability as men and that the total amount they send
home is the same as for men. That means, once we control for factors that might
determine economic opportunities at destination, then there is no behavioural
difference between men and women. Moreover, our analysis shows that this
stronger preference by women for sending goods compared to men is significant:
women send a greater share of their remittances in the form of goods than do
How might we explain this? One possible explanation is cost.
Women in our sample are slightly more likely to be outside of Zimbabwe than
men, and transactions costs in sending cash across borders are high. The
World Bank
estimates that remittances costs along many African corridors are above 10
percent, due to a combination of low volumes and slow uptake of technology in
fairly under-developed financial markets. But the difference in migrant
destinations is too small to provide a complete explanation. More likely we
believe is that there are gendered norms and customs which govern remittance
behaviour and that women seek to navigate these norms by sending home goods as
a form of controlling how remittances are used and by whom. In a relatively
patriarchal society such as Zimbabwe, where land ownership and inheritance
practices generally favour sons over daughters, incentives to send cash for
investing in the family asset base may be weaker for women, while exerting
strong pressures on men to send cash.
We will continue to investigate these questions with a
re-survey of our Zimbabwean households in 2018 along with more qualitative work
to tease out the nuances of why migrants remit and the decision-making
processes involved in how remittances are used.
This research was conducted in
collaboration with Farai Jena and Pierfrancesco Rolla at the University of
Sussex and Vupenyu
Dzingirai, Patience Mutopo, and Kefasi Nyikahadzoi at CASS.