Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Behind the research: Anne-Meike Fechter

Over the course of the last 10 years, the Migrating out of Poverty consortium has drawn on the enthusiasm and expertise of many people across the globe. This blog series focuses on the people behind the research, who have kindly shared personal reflections and learning from their experience of working with the consortium.

Anne-Meike Fechter has worked for the Migrating out of Poverty programme since 2017, as a Reader in Anthropology at the University of Sussex, working on the theme of gender and generations, focusing on Ghana.
“The Migrating out of Poverty programme has been continuously shaping the way we teach on our Master’s course on ‘Migration and Global Development’. 
The biggest lesson I’ve learnt from the programme is that long-term policy changes that work for migrants require patience and persistence. It’s been a privilege to sharing insights from so many engaged researchers across countries.”

The Migrating out of Poverty programme has been a true team effort, and we appreciate the role each individual has played in producing and disseminating the research.

Thank you for all your hard work with the Migrating out of Poverty programme, Anne-Meike!

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