Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Behind the research: Edward Asiedu

Over the course of the last 10 years, the Migrating out of Poverty consortium has drawn on the enthusiasm and expertise of many people across the globe. This blog series focuses on the people behind the research, who have kindly shared personal reflections and learning from their experience of working with the consortium.

Dr Edward Asiedu is a researcher, development economist and a lecturer at the University of Ghana, and joined the Migrating out of Poverty programme in 2018 to help examine the causal impact of migration on welfare.

“My involvement with the Migrating out of Poverty programme has shown me that, migration can be beneficial particularly to disadvantaged households, and therefore there is the need for local policies to bridge huge inequalities in communities. 
As a development economist, I have always worked on the design of interventions to address poverty in general in Ghana. Working on the programme has shown me that, addressing rural poverty without holistically looking at migration causes, trends, and impacts, and subsequently designing policies and interventions to address migration effects will defeat the overall purpose of the rural poverty reduction agenda.”

The Migrating out of Poverty programme has been a true team effort, and we appreciate the role each individual has played in producing and disseminating the research.

Thank you for all your hard work with the Migrating out of Poverty programme, Edward!

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